Our mission

Advances in medical imaging provides a more detailed understanding of diseases and their treatments. The healthcare sector is also confronted with an explosion in data. This data can be leveraged to improve diagnosis, care and follow-up of patients, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is key to meeting this challenge.

The AI DReAM Consortium brings together SMEs, start-ups, research labs and clinical centres to accelerate the development and organization of the national AI industry in medical imaging. It actively participates in the international reach of French research
in this field.

AI DReAM’s objectives

  • Facilitate the creation of standardised and structured databases for the implementation of AI projects.

  • Accelerate the review of imaging exams remotely. Enable quality annotation on a large scale while respecting data security.

  • Facilitate the creation of AI algorithms and their integration into medical applications thanks to the platform's openness to third-party developments.

  • Accelerate market access for new AI applications by providing tools and services for regulatory registration.
a unique, open and interoperable platform
In France, we are developing a platform to offer advanced visualisation and 2D/3D annotation tools to a community of industry players, start-ups, researchers and radiologists. This solution is intuitive, modular and accessible through a secure remote connection. This Software Development Kit (SDK) is deployable with data. The platform is also interoperable and supports non-image structured data.
co-developing ai applications in the service of precision medicine

Current projects:

  • Improve diagnostic accuracy and ensure early treatment of primary liver cancer

    Goal: to develop a clinical application based on artificial intelligence for the early diagnosis of chronic liver disease and the automatic characterisation of small liver tumors that develop during chronic liver disease.

    Partners :
    Prof. Valérie Vilgrain, radiologist and head of the radiology department, Hôpital Beaujon, AP-HP
    Prof. Alain Luciani, radiologist, Medical Director of the DMU FIxIT, Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor, UPEC, AP-HP
    Dr. Marc Zins, Head of Medical Imaging Department, Groupe Hospitalier Paris
    PIXYL and GE Healthcare

  • Improving assessment of COVID-19 patients

    Goal: to develop an application based on deep learning in order to generate relevant biomarkers to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19 patients in imaging.

    Prof. Marie-Pierre Revel, radiologist, Hôpital Cochin, AP-HP
    Therapanacea et GE Healthcare

  • Improving life expectancy for patients with brain tumors

    Goal: to develop an application based on Artificial Intelligence and radiomics to provide personalised and intelligent radiotherapy treatment of glioblastoma, one of the most complex and treatment-resistant cancers, which has an estimated survival of only 12 to 18 months.

    Partners :
    Prof. Eric Deutsch, Radiation Oncologist, leading European Cancer Center Gustave Roussy, Paris-Saclay University
    Prof. Philippe Maingon, Radiation Oncologist, AP-HP. Sorbonne University, GH La Pitié Salpêtrière
    Prof. Georges Noel, Radiation Oncologist, Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg Europe (ICANS), University of Strasbourg
    Therapanacea et GE Healthcare

  • Improving patient follow-up in oncology

    Goal: to develop automation tools in order to speed up the review of longitudinal examinations by radiologists and improve patient management.

    Partners :
    Dr. Marc Zins, Head of Medical Imaging, Groupe hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph
    GE Healthcare

  • A project supported by bpifrance

    The AI DReAM project has been awarded €13 million in funding under the call for Competitiveness Structuring Projects (PSPC) operated on behalf of the French government by Bpifrance as part of the Programme d’investissements d’avenir (PIA), led by the Secrétariat général pour l’investissement (SGPI). This support program aims at selecting and financing collaborative research development projects structuring competitiveness.
  • French competitiveness clusters support the project

    Medicen Paris Region carried out the emergence of this project following the AMI AIT4MI, then labelled it with Systematic Paris-Region and Lyonbiopôle. These global competitiveness clusters enable the creation, co-branding and funding of quality projects dealing with both deep tech and health.

    • MEDICEN Paris Region is the hub of health innovation in the Paris Region, bringing together nearly 500 members from the entrepreneurial, industrial, clinical and academic spheres to support the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.
    • SYSTEMATIC Paris-Region, the European Deep Tech Cluster, leads an ecosystem of 900 members in the Paris area. It is a catalyst for structuring innovations: Open Source; Digital Trust; Digital Infrastructure and IoT; Digital Engineering; Data Science & AI; Photonics. These technologies in particular address challenges in Healthcare & AgTech.
    • Lyonbiopôle consolidates and structures an innovative health ecosystem of more than 800 members in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. As a global competitiveness cluster, it supports projects and companies in the sector and aims to strengthen the development of technological innovations, products and services to meet the health challenges of tomorrow.

Our partners and collaborations

Led by GE Healthcare, the AI DReAM project brings together leading players in AI in health care (SMEs, start-ups, research labs and clinical centres) to participate in the medical imaging revolution in an open innovation approach.

  • Similar Initiatives – EMEA Edison™ Accelerator

    The EMEA Edison™ Accelerator is a start-up acceleration & healthcare provider collaboration program in Europe, Middle East & Africa, for the region and the world. It brings together healthcare providers interested in being at the forefront of innovation, and start-ups who want to leverage the GE Healthcare environment and mentoring to enhance their value proposition.
let's talk about your project
You have a project including AI, but you don't know how to implement it? We can talk about it. Please fill in the contact form below:
AI DReAM for Artificial Intelligence for Diagnostic, Review and radiomics Acceleration in Medicine
