SIGNA™ Premier 3T wide-bore MRI scanner
This 3T wide-bore scanner is designed for research and beyond
SIGNA™ Premier supports the most demanding applications, such as Connectome-type studies that require Ultra-short TE diffusion imaging and high-resolution resting state fMRI. While it is a pioneering MRI system for cutting-edge research, it offers all the features needed to deliver routine clinical throughput. This includes delivering high end diagnostic image quality while ensuring the highest level of patient comfort.
SIGNA™ Premier with the 80/200 SuperG Gradient coil delivers 60cm performance in a 70cm bore
The cutting-edge stability is achieved by producing gradient coils with 1.2 km of All-Hollow wire in a millimeter-precise Force and Torque balanced design that negates net force and thus significantly reduces acoustic vibration.
In addition to all these features, there are also High Order Shim Terms integrated in the coil structure for a B0 inhomogeneity correction across the entire body.