Introduction to Xeleris and Quantification Solutions

Course Length2 days
Course date/s19/20 October 2023
Cost4 credits
LocationGE HealthCare Pollards Wood
Course idNone
Number of participants12


    Registration upon request, please contact us.


    Please reach out to us.

    Course overview

    This course is aimed a new Xeleris users and professionals wishing to increase their confidence using this amazing processing workstation. This course is intended to provide an overview of the main functionalities and followed by an introduction to the Quantification packages and some of the latest softwares available. This course will be run by using Xeleris simulators, which will give the opportunity to practice and process a variety of cases.
    • Target audience 

      Medical physicists working with PET/CT

    • Prerequisites

      Basic knowledge of PET/CT measurements
